Semua Label
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  • Lowongan Kerja D1
  • Lowongan Kerja D2
  • Lowongan Kerja D3
  • Lowongan Kerja D4
  • Lowongan Kerja S1
  • Lowongan Kerja SMA
  • Lowongan Kerja SMK

Lowongan Kerja PT Indosat Tbk Bulan April - Mei 2015 - Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Indosat April 2015 - Kembali lagi mengupdate informasi lowongan kerja paling terbaru tahun 2015, info loker berikut ini berasal dari Indosat, batas pendaftaran sampai bulan januari 2015. Indosat (lengkapnya PT Indosat Tbk.) merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi dan jaringan telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Indosat menawarkan saluran komunikasi untuk pengguna telepon genggam dengan pilihan pra bayar maupun pascabayar dengan merek jual Matrix, Mentari dan IM3, adapaun  jasa lainnya yang disediakan adalah saluran komunikasi via suara untuk telepon tetap (fixed) termasuk sambungan langsung internasional IDD (International Direct Dialing), serta jasa nirkabel dengan merk dagang StarOne.

PT Indosat Tbk  2015

Di Tahun 2015 ini, Indosat membuka lowongan kerja terbaru 2015 untuk beberapa posisi, berikut informasi selengkapnya :

Pricing Analyst

Education Level: Minimum S1

  1. Majority : Marketing/Information Systems / Statistics / Engineering
  2. Good in English, Spoken and written
  3. Effective communication and interpersonal skills
  4. Proficiency in MS Excel, Power Point skills and MS Access skills
  5. Excellent analytical skills, supported by a strong attention to detail and driven towards key insight

Corporate Sales Manager - Mobile Financial Services

  1. Minimum Bachelor degree from reputable university with management background
  2. 5+ years of experience in sales management
  3. Work in financial services company for at least 2 to 3 years at the same level
  4. Proven experience in developing sales force and maintaining sales targets achievement

Product & System Development Officer

  1. Bachelor degree in Engineering, Information Management, Computer Science/Engineering, etc
  2. Have min 2 years in solution/system development
  3. Experience with campaign management system
  4. Experience with billing & provisioning system
  5. Understand CVM/CRM/CLM concept

CVM Non Data Revenue Manager

  1. Bachelor degree in Marketing, Statistics, Management, Business
  2. Have min 5 years in cross-selling & upselling in consumer market
  3. Proven ability to generate uplift in response rate and revenue
  4. Proven ability in creating end to end program
  5. Proven ability to execute event based/trigger based campaigns

CVM High Value Customers Manager

  1. Bachelor degree in Marketing, Statistics, Management, Business
  2. Have min 5 years in cross-selling & upselling in consumer market
  3. Proven ability to generate uplift in response rate and revenue
  4. Proven ability in creating end to end program
  5. Proven ability to execute event based/trigger based campaigns

CVM Loyalty & Partnership Manager

  1. Bachelor degree in Marketing, Statistics, Management, Business
  2. Have min 5 years in customer loyalty and partnership in consumer market
  3. Proven ability to generate uplift in response rate and revenue
  4. Proven ability in creating end to end program
  5. Proven ability to execute event based/trigger based campaigns

Technology Security Expert

  1. Minimum bachelor’s degree (S1) in engineering or business-related field. Master’s degree (S2) preferred
  2. Having excellence experience min 7 years in top-tier management consulting and/or business analyst at converged telecom and multiple business unit background of working experiences would be an advantage.

Bagi yang berminat dan inign berkarir bersama Indosat dapat mendaftarkan diri secara online melalui laman berikut : Pendaftaran
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses!